The following instructions are based on the full version of the website, as it would be viewed on a desktop or laptop computer. You may choose to use your mobile device instead, however, due to the vast mobile device options available, we have not provided detailed navigation instructions for each mobile version of the website.
1. Go to
2. In the Member Login section (right side of the page), click on "Forgot Login?".
3. Select the checkbox for the item you forgot and follow the instructions. If you forgot both your username AND your password, please recover the username first, then go through the process again to get your password.
4. Once you are successfully logged in, click on "My Information" in the Member Menu (located on the right side of the page).
5. Click on "Edit" (on the left side of the page, above your profile photo) and select "Update Your Profile".
6. Select the "User Info" tab, enter the username and password of your choice, and click "Update" to save.
Note: Many of these fields are required by the system, so please fill out the information under the "User Info" and "Contact Info" tabs as completely as possible.
7. Finally, please click through the rest of the tabs to update your information. You will notice that some of the fields are locked, as they are driven by member registration.
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.
Thank you!
The WCC Web Team