The following instructions are based on the full version of the website, as it would be viewed on a desktop or laptop computer. You may choose to use your mobile device instead, however, due to the vast mobile device options available, we have not provided detailed navigation instructions for each mobile version of the website.

1. Go to

2. In the Member Login section (right side of the page), click on "Forgot Login?".

3. Select the checkbox for the item you forgot and follow the instructions. If you forgot both your username AND your password, please recover the username first, then go through the process again to get your password.


4. Once you are successfully logged in, click on "My Information" in the Member Menu (located on the right side of the page).

5. Click on "Edit" (on the left side of the page, above your profile photo) and select "Update Your Profile".

6. Select the "User Info" tab, enter the username and password of your choice, and click "Update" to save.

Note: Many of these fields are required by the system, so please fill out the information under the "User Info" and "Contact Info" tabs as completely as possible.

7. Finally, please click through the rest of the tabs to update your information. You will notice that some of the fields are locked, as they are driven by member registration.

Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

Thank you!
The WCC Web Team


Honorary Membership is the most prestigious award given by the WCC. Of the thousands of curlers that have passed through our doors, only a few have received this honor.

The following distinguished members are recognized, by unanimous vote of the board, for their dedication and contribution to the game of curling and the Wauwatosa Curling Club.

1945 - A.E. Welch
1947 - W.J. Mac Neill
1947 - J.A. Mac Kenzie
1947 - J. Iverson
1949 - A.C. Grant
1949 - T.L. Kelly
1949 - H.B. Wells
1950 - J.J. Ahern
1950 - C.J. Watson
1951 - C.G. Smeaton
1953 - H.T. Ferguson
1959 - G.J. De Gelleke
1962 - Bill Stamm
1965 - Erv Nell
1967 - A.D. Kilian
1970 - Hugo Biersach
1971 - James O. Dunlop
1972 - T.F Miller
1975 - Sarah Tray
1975 - Win Dunlop
1975 - Daphne Mac Neill
1975 - Gladys Thompson
1975 - Fred Haldy
1975 - Mike Grant
1983 - Dan Mullarkey
1984 - Eva Roberts
1986 - Ben Dunlop
1986 - Del Hamilton
1986 - Doug Kohn
1986 - Red Mather
1986 - Doc Roberts
1992 - Scotty Palmer
1992 - Rosie Mc Carthy
1992 - Bernice Oswald
1993 - Chuck Stanchfield
1993 - Mary Van Ess
1993 - George Sirotkin
2001 - Dawn Matthews
2001 - Bob Miller
2003 - Virginia Lewis
2003 - Bob Rowland
2005 - Sam Mac Neill
2011 - Bob Brenckle
2011 - Greg Dunlop
2011 - Dave Grant
2015 - Bob Hipke
2015 - Ed Marconnet
2015 - Roylee Pflughoeft
2016 - Jackie Hipke
2016 - Dan Matthews
2016 - George Wolz
2022 - Allen Miller
2023 - Jim Fork


(Combined as one club in 1989-90)


MEN’S                         YEAR             WOMEN’S 

M. S. Grant*............... 1940-41

Kneeland Godfrey*.....1941-42..... Daphne MacNeill*

L. S. Brodd*.................1942-43..... Deutzia Wells*

H. E. Fellows*..............1943-44..... Mildred Nell*

Joe Fuss*.....................1944-45..... Sarah Tray*

Norman Scott*............1945-46..... Lucille Nelthorpe*

Hugo Biersach*...........1946-47..... Mina Mackenzie*

T. L. Cottam*...............1947-48..... Kathryn French*

J. O. Dunlop*.............  1948-49..... Helen Miller*

T. F. Miller*...............  1949-50..... Cora Atkinson*

Erwin Nell*................ 1950-51.....  Syd Dunlop*

Homer Binder*...........1951-52.....  Alice Lemmer*

Fred Haldy*................1952-53.....  Florence Rathkamp*

H. H. Roberts*............1953-54.....  Lee Johannis*

Red Hughes*..............1954-55.....  Violet Trantor*

Del Hamilton*............1955-56.....  Estelle Hughes*

Dan Mullarkey*..........1956-57.....  Win Dunlop*

Earl Easton*............... 1957-58.....  Jeanette Goodale*

W. B. Brenckle*..........1958-59.....  June Wegner*

C. H. StLouis*............ 1959-60.....   Marion Bruett

C. Hallquist*...............1960-61.....   Marion Ingerman*

A. J. Deniger*............ 1961-62.....   Jane Himes

Scotty Palmer*...........1962-63.....  Dorrit Cormany*

C. S. Haagensen*........1963-64.....  Gail Haagensen*

Luke Collins*.............. 1964-65.....  Beth Palmer

Chuck Stanchfield*.....1965-66.....  Shirlee Borgwardt*

Hal Chapman*............1966-67.....  Win Walker

John Paige*................1967-68.....  Eva Roberts*

Fred Borgwardt*........1968-69.....  June Held

Heath Crider*.............1969-70.....  Ginia Lewis

Stan Lewis*................ 1970-71..... Jibby Harris

Sam MacNeill.............1971-72.....  Jeanne Tesch*

Jack Tesch*................1972-73.....  Marge Hoerig*

Curt Hoerig*..............1973-74.....  Bernice Oswald

George Wolz*..............1974-75.....  Carol Houghton

Bob Rowland*..............1975-76..... Helen Zentner

Don Zentner*.............1976-77.....  Mary Van Ess*

William Atherton........1977-78..... Henrietta Brehm

Fred Chapman............1978-79..... Pat Brady

Dave Grant.................1979-80.....  Petrea Brenckle

Tom Christman*...........1980-81.....  Rosie McCarthy*

Tom Vaughan*............1981-82..... Beej Wakefield*

Greg Dunlop............... 1982-83..... Roylee Pflughoeft*

Charles Sazama...........1983-84..... Gae Bergmann

Robert Hipke*.............. 1984-85..... Dawn Matthews*

Art Wedemeyer..........1985-86..... Diana Baker*

Robert Noel................1986-87..... Lois Heiden*

Till Bruett................... 1987-88..... Kay Noel

Tom Powers................1988-89..... Jackie Hipke

Rick Barrie.................. 1989-1990

Tom Bruett................  1990-1991

Wally Dinsmoor*.......  1991-1992

Glen Vanic.................  1992-1993

Doug Krueger............  1993-1994

Lois Heiden*...............  1994-1995

John Cornwell............ 1995-1996

Gary Kebbekus........... 1996-1997

John Vivian...............   1997-1998

Sue Nees...................  1998-1999

Quentin Swain*..........1999-2000

Bob Brenckle............. 2000-2001

Tom Rave.................. 2001-2002

Sandy Brown............. 2002-2003

Tom Havas................  2003-2004

Peter Muller...............2004-2005

Rebecca Nguyen.........2005-2006

Scott Matchette..........2006-2007

Stacey Bast................  2007-2008

Scott Masloroff.......... 2008-2009

Rick Lemke...............   2009-2010

Mike Link..................   2010-2011

Deb Holger*................  2011-2012

Ben Davis..................  2012-2013

Mike Willeman........... 2013-2014

Beau Moore............... 2014-2015

Mike Elwing............... 2015-2016

Mike Trotta................ 2016-2017

Kara Sacia................. 2017-2018

Dawn Majewski......... 2018-2019

Tim Torgerson............ 2019-2020

Kelley Burian............. 2020-2021

Jason Dobbs.............. 2021-2022

Lauren Robb.............. 2022-2023

Rachel Koebel............2023-2024

* Indicates Deceased

historic photos

Celebrating Over 100 Years of Tosa Curling

Located just west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Wauwatosa Curling Club boasts four sheets of ice, a fun and friendly membership, and some of the best bonspiels in curling. The year 2021 was a big one for the membership, as it marked the 100-year anniversary of the club.

A Century of History

The Wauwatosa Curling Club played its first game in 1921 in a shed that was part of Stickney Field Club on Stickney Avenue, just south of where Wauwatosa's City Hall stands today. In 1925, the shed was moved to the confines of what is now Hart Park, a 19.5-acre plot of land nestled on the Menomonee River in the Village (now City) of Wauwatosa.

Hart Park, first dubbed City Park in 1921 until it was renamed in 1960, bears the name of Charles Hart, Wauwatosa’s founder. Over the years, the park grew to house a football/soccer field, baseball diamond, field house, tennis courts, a skate park, and nature trails. While the Wauwatosa Curling club took up residence in Hart Park in 1925, indoor curling wouldn’t come to Wauwatosa for another sixteen years.

In 1941, the club adopted its current home, also in Hart Park, in the then newly-constructed Muellner Building.

In the wake of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Works Progress Administration (WPA), a New Deal employment and infrastructure program which sponsored several public works projects, including the construction of public buildings. The program brought improvements to the park which included stone walls, a new football field with bleachers, parking areas, and finally – with a refrigeration plant supplied by the club – indoor curling in the Muellner Building, the very first artificial indoor curling ice in the state of Wisconsin.

The Hart Park Howard Muellner Building, formerly the Wauwatosa Recreation Building, exists today, as it did in 1941, as a shared-space recreation facility. In addition to the Wauwatosa Curling Club, the Wauwatosa Senior Center, Hart Park staff offices, and city meeting rooms reside in the Muellner Building.

In addition to four sheets of ice, the club enjoys a clubroom and locker room on the lower level of the building. Spectating is possible with the use of a shared-space room on the main level, adjacent to the ice.

Changing Times

For many years, women in Wauwatosa curled as a separate group called the Wauwatosa Granites. A men’s team and their wives traveled to the Toronto-based Granite Curling Club, where they witnessed indoor artificial ice and women's curling for the first time. Both indoor ice and women’s curling were introduced to the Wauwatosa club within two years of that trip. The women’s curling group at Wauwatosa adopted the "Granites" name in recognition of the club where they first saw women's curling.

During this time, Wauwatosa became a founding United States Women's Curling Association (USWCA) club and held the very first U.S. women's bonspiel.

The Granites combined with the Wauwatosa Curling Club beginning with the 1989-90 season.


The club experienced a near-fatal blow in 1998 from a massive flood – the second of its kind in the greater Milwaukee area in less than two years. Referred to by club members from that time as simply, “The Flood,” the clubroom and locker room, located on the lower level of the Muellner Building, were destroyed when the Menomonee River overflowed and completely submerged the club’s space.

Since that time, hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in the greater Milwaukee area to better protect the Menomonee River valley from flooding. As for the club, the membership pitched in to rebuild in 1998, and longtime members often share stories of the time and talents of members who rebuilt the club’s broomstacking, kitchen, locker, storage, and bar spaces.  

With the clubroom rebuilt, the next challenge became clear: rebounding the membership numbers. As with many clubs in the United States, the return of curling as an official Winter Olympics sport in 1998 added a much-needed exposure boost, and the club’s numbers have climbed consistently ever since.

100 Years, and Counting!

In addition to a robust membership engaging in leagues and bonspiels, the club boasts lively participation in programs including Adaptive Curling, Try Curling, and group/corporate events. The club membership welcomes any and all opportunities to introduce the best sport in the world to future die-hard curling fans.

The Tosa Juniors program also celebrated a milestone in recent years – the 75th anniversary of juniors curling at the club.

Many curlers have visited Wauwatosa a time or two for the Valentine Open or Men’s Invitational Bonspiel. If you haven’t had the pleasure, ask around curling circles – you’re likely to find someone with rousing tales of Tosa’s signature hospitality.

Quick Facts:

Pronunciation: wah-wah-toe-sah

Behind the Name: Founded in 1842, the name Wauwatosa comes from the Potawatomi Chief Wauwataesie and the Potawatomi word for firefly. Today, visitors to Wauwatosa, lovingly shortened to "Tosa" by its residents, will find several firefly references throughout the city, including the name of the main floor room that overlooks the curling club's icehouse — the Firefly Room.

Membership: A normal membership year totals 350-375 members, with the season prior to the coronavirus pandemic reaching nearly 400 active members of the club.

Organization: The club is organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and the club's operations are governed by a board of directors.

Families of Note: The Brenckle, Dunlop, Grant, Hipke, and Rowland-Elwing families include 3rd and 4th generation curlers with the Wauwatosa Curling Club.

Club Address:
7300 W Chestnut Street
Wauwatosa, WI 53213



Membership Info This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Corporate & Group Events This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Try Curling This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Adaptive Curling This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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WCC President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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WCC House Team This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Media Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


All other questions:
Kelley Burian
Digital Admin
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Vias Karaouzas.................President

Andy Mentel....................Vice President

Deb Masloroff....................Treasurer

Tom Havas..........................Secretary


Third Year - Term Expires 2025

Bridget Halenda..........................Neil Fruend.................................Vias Karaouzas

Second Year - Term Expires 2026

Andy Mentel................................Chris Neseman............................Marissa VandenBush

First Year - Term Expires 2027

Bob Draths................................. Katie Moorhead...........................Michael Solger

Rachel Koebel

img 5850Planning group outings for your organization can be a daunting task. Coming up with fresh new ideas can be challenging enough, and then you’ve got a budget to consider.

The Wauwatosa Curling Club can help. Yes, curling: the Olympics sport where everyone is yelling, people are vigorously sweeping ice, and you have no idea what’s happening? That’s us! And we’re a terrific venue for your next outing. In fact, we deliver a unique and enjoyable team experience for companies all over the Milwaukee area. Serving Corporate Team-Building & Corporate Outings in the Milwaukee and Waukesha area.

If you have a group looking to have a curling event at the Wauwatosa Curling Club, please work through the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


What happens during a rental event?

Our normal rink rental will include a quick instructional segment where we’ll teach you the curling basics (rock delivery, sweep, strategy), how to stay safe on the ice (ice is slippery, duh!), and general ice etiquette (pace of play, where to stand, etc). One you have your feet wet, we’ll divide your group into some teams and you’ll play a few games to bring it all together.

What should I wear?

Wear warm, loose fitting clothing. The air temperature in the ice house is around 40 degrees, so, athletic pants (yoga pants, jogging pants, etc), a sweatshirt or light coat, along with CLEAN, rubber soled tennis shoes will be perfect attire. Although curling may look easy on TV (and the internet), you will work up a sweat sweeping and trying to keep up with the stones in motion during your event!

What is the event duration?

Typical events last between 2 and 2.5 hours between introduction, instruction, on ice time, and event wrap up.

What is the cost?

The rental cost for a 2 hour event is variable, based on factors such as time of day, number of people in your group, and so on. We can host groups from 8-40 people. Our pricing is based on group size rather than per person, but it’s roughly $75 per person. Exact pricing will be worked as you plan the event with the Corporate Events Coordinator.

Can we get free ice time?

Please understand that the Wauwatosa Curling Club is a volunteer organization – there are no paid positions or permanent staff on hand at our ice facility. That means, when our club conducts rink rentals or sponsored events, our members have to leave their regularly scheduled jobs, families, life activities, etc. to manage the event. On average, WCC event hosts will spend 5 hours volunteering for each event: 2 hours to prepare the ice and clubroom, 2 hours teaching/hosting the event, then 1 hour post-event wrap-up and clean up. Hopefully, you can understand the commitment, and, as such, offering ‘free’ ice time is not something we can do.

What if I'm a WCC Member?

If you are a Wauwatosa Curling Club member, please click here and log in to your WCC account for details on Member Sponsored events.


  • We are at 7300 Chestnut St., Wauwatosa 53213
  • Inside the Muellner Building at Hart Park

For further details or to book an event, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Upcoming Events

Killian Nelthorpe (9 Weeks) - January 6
High Noon Open - January 7
St Marys (Heim) - 8 Weeks - January 7
Juniors - January 7
Martha Wolz (6 Nights) - January 7
Weds Morning Open - January 8
MacKenzie (17 Weeks) - January 8
Early Open - January 9
Presidents (9 Weeks) - January 9
Men's IntraClub - January 10


Group Rentals

Consider the Wauwatosa Curling Club for your next Corporate fundraiser or event!



Consider Joining!

We have leagues for all curling skill levels!



Bonspiels Anyone?

Come out and enjoy one of our friendly and fun bonspiels!


Our Location

7300 W Chestnut Street
Wauwatosa, WI 53213

We are located 6 miles west of downtown Milwaukee. Our club shares the Muellner Building with the Senior Center in Wauwatosa's Hart Park.

About the Wauwatosa Curling Club

The Wauwatosa Curling Club played its first game in 1921 in a shed that was part of Stickney Field Club on Stickney Avenue, just south of where Wauwatosa's City Hall now stands. In 1925 the shed was moved to what is now Hart Park and play continued there until 1941, when the Club began in its current location, the Muellner Building.

The Club uses four sheets of ice to play and has a clubhouse downstairs with lockers available for members' use, a bar and a full kitchen for preparing meals and snacks. We enjoy a postgame tradition called broomstacking, where members socialize with their team and their opponents' team.

Our Sponsors

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